And speaking of mothers, May 2012, your Mother's Day will be a hard one to forget. Shannon, being the new mommy. my mom, and mother-in-law all celebrating together with a BBQ at the Olde Nolan Farmhouse. A day of shared food, an open back door, farm dogs visiting and almost peeing on Vera Bradley bags Ah!, baby snuggles, baby screams :), a tired new mommy getting a break, funny cards and lots o' love! (Lincoln stayed in the yard the whole time....I was a proud mommy of my fur baby!)
One month ago, tomorrow, I met my nephew and Godson, Cole Twomey Deluca.

Things I now know about Cole:
-He's so darn cute!
-He's sleeping longer and longer each night...keep it up!
-He's the best back seat driver you ever did meet.
-He will always have a better tan than his Aunt Sarah.
-Deluca nose...nuff said!
-He's famous in a small town.
-He will most likely date a girl named Ellie....three Ellie's were born at the Bennington hospital the night Shannon went into labor!!!
-Dogs will never phase him.
-He impresses doctors with his strength.
-His mommy and daddy are better, stronger people because of him. <3
-He will forever be LOVED!!!

Summer months are ahead and Cole will be seeing sooo much more of me! I can't wait to get to know him better everyday.
<3- Aunt Sarah