Monday, December 12, 2011

Cake batter @ 6 am...

Your 20''s a decade full of many life changes.  You start out as a college student, concerned mostly with yourself, your classes, your friends, your parties, your way-too-far-away 21st birthday.  This usually leads into a career of sorts....possibly not the one that college degree wes supposed to get for you, but a job none-the-less.  As the years continue on, bridal showers, weddings, and baby showers begin to dictate your summer weekends.  You tend to see less of your friends and more of your family.  In my gets better with each passing day. 

Saturdays evolve from gatorade and hangovers to coffee and quiet to cereal and cartoons.  This Saturday, I woke up at 6 am and began baking cupcakes for my husband and sister-in-law's birthday party that night.  Licking Funfetti batter from a rubber spatula and wrapping gifts, so meticulously, as if the wrapping was the gift itself.  The funny thing about your late 20's is that, in the same weekend,  Saturday morning might involve an early rise for baking and wrapping and Sunday morning you're sleeping-in to recover from a late-night birthday bash!  At the same party, one friend may be taking their 2nd shot while another friend is showing you pictures of their son's 2nd birthday party.  You are stuck somewhere between bars and bibs. 

I believe there really is no other decade quite like your 20's.  It seems that everything your life once was and everything your life will become, collides.  You move on, leaving behind some passtimes and replacing them with others.  "Settling down" they often call it. 

As our wild weekends begin to slow down, the activities I get most excited about have changed.  I enjoy sitting on the couch with Lincoln and getting his hugs.  I enjoy a cup of coffee or tea early in the morning and sometimes at night too.  I enjoy watching a movie with Andrew, while GrayC curls up on me.  I enjoy a clean I didn't say cleaning the house....just a clean house!  I enjoy baking.  I enjoy reading novels and Country Sampler magazine.  I enjoy seeing my friends' babies, admiring at what amazing mothers they have become and how adorable those kids are.  I still enjoy nights out with friends, drinks, dancing, wild nights.  Probably always will...I'd just rather spend MOST of my time doing those other things I've come to enjoy. 

I always get the first photo with the babies!

<3- Sarah

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