Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Songs About Me #2

Love's Gonna Make It Alright
George Strait
(great slide show of a country legend)

Do you sometimes get the feeling that certain things happen just for you?  Like something is reaching out to you or speaking to you?  Some call it coincidence, some call it fate, some call it a sign, and some call it God looking over us. 
This is how I'm feeling about the release of George's newest song.  It came along right when I needed it.  Never underestimate the power of a song. 
This school year has not been the easiest, for a number of reasons, (some super obvious and others I'm still pondering) and after a LONG day it feels good to come home, where everything is alright. :) 

Miranda Lambert concert tomorrow!!!  Winter break next week!  These things are like Red Bull to my soul!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!
(a day late...<3)

<3- Sarah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah, Happy Valentines Day two days late...I just wanted to jump in here and leave you a msg...I've been trying to respond to the post you did about your Award you received but for some reason I cannot seem to get it to go through. I thought I would try and leave it here:

", witty, interesting, worth-while". Such a nice thing to say! Really, thank you very much Sarah and Congrats on your award!! I too dig Miranda Lambert.
p.s. George will always be one of my all time favorites, well... along side Vince Gill and Steve Warner Such voices :)
Have a great time at the concert!