Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Linking UP!

I am linking up with Mrs. Lemons from Step into 2nd Grade!  I'm pretty sure I was a linky party virgin up until today. Sooo here goes....her linky party is all about sharing those little quirks about yourself that people may not know.  And because I literally have NOTHING to blog about right now, I thought this would give me a fun excuse to get a post out there.

1. I have a little sister who always has been thought to be the older sister whenever we are introduced to someone.  Here is my LITTLE sister Shannon and I when she came to visit me in college.

2. My fingers and toes are abnormally long and I have been called E.T. in the past.

3. I really don't mind doing laundry or baking, but you would never know based on how little I do both of those activites.

4. I am LOVING the Laguna Beach and The Hills reruns that have been on this summer.  (Seriously, watching The Hills right now!  Kristin was with Justin Bobby so Audrina is pissed!  BUT now Brody and Kristin are "hanging out" and Jayde is pissed!)  My sister-in-law is sooo jealous that she has to be at work and miss out on these classics...Ha!  Don't worry Jenna, I'll catch you up on what's goin on with our friends later. :)

            beach cities in the world,                              The Hills Poster

5.  I have a tiny obsession with Tori Spelling.  I can't really get my finger on why, but when she is on TV with Dean, Liam, and Stella I just can't help but be entertained.  I honestly cry at least once during every one of the episodes of Tori & Dean: Inn Love and Tori & Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood.  I'm really hoping there is a new season so I can meet little Hattie.  A little embarrassing....I know!  I used to love to watch one of those recorded episodes with a glass of wine.  I also watched every episode of sTORIbook Weddings and now I'm lovin her new show, Craft Wars!  Oh and I've read her books...don't judge!
                                                     Tori Spelling

6. I love fall and can't wait for it to arrive!!! All of August I spend just getting excited about cooler weather, changing leaves, apples, pumpkins, sweaters, cute boots, pie, coffe, Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc. etc. etc.  Sorry summer lovers but I just can't wait!
Last year's Halloween costume....The Crazy Cat Lady!
7.  Lately I have been so into painting my finger and toe nails.  I do think it may have something to do with me being a Pinterest addict and all of the adorable nail ideas floating around on there. 

1. Put on nail polish and let dry.  2. Dip fingernail in alcohol-basically any will do, vodka is suggested.  3. Press a strip of newspaper big enough to cover the whole nail on to your alcohol soaked nail.  4.  Pull off slowly and be really impressed with yourself. 5. Paint top coat if desired.  floral print nails paint your nails with a base color and let them dry completely. Then come back and paint a layer of another color on top, and before it dries, you dab pieces of wadded up saran wrap on top lightly, then top coat

8. I still sleep with my stuffed animal, Max,  I've had since I was little.  Andrew has never said it was weird, I swear!

9.  I have two guinea pigs living in my sunroom.  I can't wait to get those girls back into the classroom....they better be ready to entertain a whole new group of firsties!
Vera + Janie = BFF's  and there's Max!
10.  And finally, in an attempt to get rid of the many home magazines I've been collecting, just this week, I've gone through all of them and ripped out any pages that I want to keep for inspiration.  I plan on starting a home binder that is full of magazine clippings.  I'll label each section with a different room and add all my faves for that room.  Things like this are enjoyable to me and my Type A personality.  I did this for my wedding and felt like it was a huge help and fun to look back on now that I've been married a year!    

If you're a blogger link up with Mrs. Lemons and the other bloggers who've joined the party!  If you're not yet a blogger, sign up!  You can start your own blog or just follow lots and lots of other inspiring and entertaining blogs out there.  Make Apple Pie Spice the first blog you follow...puhleeeze!

<3 - Sarah


Jessica said...

...too cute!

Sarah said...

:) This will so not be my last linky party! Fun stuff.