That's right...this little blog has just received its 15 minutes of fame! I have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award! So shocked....So honored....Soooo smiley!!! And I thought getting my report cards done would be the highlight of my night!
When I first started this blog, in the school-less days of summer, I was inspired by the informational and uplifting teacher blogs I had found while searching for new ideas for the upcoming school year. I added a few of my own posts about my month-long move into my new classroom and, as the school year began, more posts about my strengths and struggles in the classroom.
BUT...Mrs. Bushey had more to say and that's when Apple Pie Spice became more than just a teacher's blog. Growing up and settling in a small town is something I cherish and if you know me at all you'd say it was always my plan. My stories about living the dream with my high school sweetheart, raising some fur babies til we have some human ones of our own, my family in each direction only 10 minutes away, and teaching in the school I attended grades K-12 are all true and each new post is just as important to me as the last.
Never did I imagine that my blog would be nominated for any of the awards that I had read other bloggers posting about. Never did I think I would be following "the rules" of an award nomination...but here goes!
The Versatile Blogger Award Rules are as follows:
1. Thank the person who gave you this award.
2. Include a link to their blog.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Jessica from
A Winsome Journey. I was inspired to take Apple Pie Spice in a different direction after reading Jess's down-home, kind-hearted, animal-loving, info-filled(wait there's one more) photo-lover's blog!

Step into her world...
3. Select 15 blogs/bloggers that you've recently discovered or follow regularly.
Country Man's Wife: can totally relate with this girl in her 20's, livin' on the farm,
married to a super-photogenic country man, married to a small-town man, and young in love. <3
thekitchensgarden: great recipes, stories from the farm, and too funny
The First Grade Parade: very inspiring teacher blog and entertaining to boot
The Inspired Apple: so sweet, so many great ideas, how does she do it?
My Yellow Farmhouse: stumbled upon this blog recently. Loved taking a tour of her farmhouse and she's a crafter! Beautiful quilts found here!
Playing with Pixie Dust: 3 teachers teaming up to share thoughts from the hallways to the home
Seusstastic Classroom Inspirations: the very first blog I ever stumbled upon. Mel D. gave me warm fuzzies (the idea and the feeling)... oh just check it out!
Fabulous in First: The G.O. Book. Period. Enough Said.
Frolicking through First: When I started my blog, Amanda was my very first follower. She said she knew how exciting it was to get new followers and I want to pay it forward. Thank you, Amanda!
The Clutter-Free Classroom: literally just came across this one and boy do I need it around this time of the school year!
Small Town Lessons On Life: very brand new blogger and friend of mine since 1st grade, Nicole celebrates the way life and loved ones surprise her
onespoiledcat: written from the cat's point of view <3
The View Out Here: smart, witty, interesting, worth-while
All-American Jess: the all-american girl who tells all. While reading a month's worth of Jess' posts, there were many times I said to myself, "Hey, that's so me!"
happiness is a journey for janna: when you're having a bad day, stop by Janna's blog. Chances are, one of her happy things makes you happy too. :)
4. Tell 7 things about yourself. (hmmm...trying to think of things you may not know already from this blog.)
1- I have a slight obsession with anything from Vera Bradley.
2- I still regularly see 6 of my bestest girlfriends from high school. One of them is now my sister-in-law so I now have her last name and one of them married my cousin so she now has my maiden name...this is sooo small town livin!
3-I was born in Maine on an Air Force base where my dad was stationed and my parents lived.
4-I am a 27-year-old cat lady. (well...maybe you figured that one out from this blog)
5-Love, love, love Miranda Lambert and her music. And I'll be seeing her on Feb. 16th in MA!
6-I am the only girl on my dart team and I hold my own!
7-My favorite food is cheese.
Woo Hoo!!!
<3- Sarah