Purring is just smiling out loud.
Today's smile files:
#1 - As my students arrived this morning and began their daily routine of unpacking, doing morning jobs, and starting morning work, I popped into the teacher's room across the hall to hand off a supply I had borrowed. At this time, the morning announcements tuned in overhead, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, recited by some older students each morning. I hurried back over to my classroom, expecting to have to hurry my kids to their feet and face the flag, but instead found a classroom full of first graders facing the flag with their hands on their hearts, quietly listening as their schoolmates spoke of "one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Can you picture it?
Routine - 

Respect - 

Reason to smile - 

#2 - While driving home from work today, I ended up behind a red pick-up with a crate in the back. The crate was secured with straps in the cab and there was a black lab inside. I wouldn't have even noticed the pup if it weren't for its bright tongue moving from side to side as we traveled along. Eventually the truck pulled ahead and I lost sight of the crate and the pet. At a stop sign farther up the road, I met up with them again and smiled. At closer look, my black lab was not a black lab at all. Inside that crate was a calf, huffing and puffing into the cold air outside, and on its head was a patch of white fur (about the size of a black lab's tongue...you see the confusion). I smiled because, well, calves are cute AND because I love living in an area where calves in the back of pick-ups are an ordinary, everyday sight to be seen.
What made your smile files today?
"Oh, won't you smile awhile for me..."
Sarah...smile(Love that song)
My smile file (love that too)Jenni handing me a flower at the B-ball senior game...smiling because she is a beautiful, healthy, smart young lady; smiling as I was holding back tears..how can she be a senior already.
So proud of Jenni! Love having her spend time in the classroom w/ the kids and me. :)
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