Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Songs About Me #4

Waiting...waiting...waiting....sooo patiently!  We are still on our lendor hunt to get a loan for our very first home purchase and are now pretty much playing "the waiting game."  We're young, we're broke, and phone call after phone call leads to not much but bad news.  But, I won't lose hope!  And this song sums it alllll up!

Lemon Drop
Pistol Annies

While you listen...enjoy some photos of the beautiful, old farmhouse we get to rent from Andrew's family right now.  Where his mom grew up and where we would love to live forever if it were only in the Hoosick Falls school district. : (
"But one fine day I'll be drinkin' a beer in a big backyard I own free and clear.
All I know, there's better days ahead..."
But until then we'll enjoy these days we have, we'll pay our rent, and keep our dreams.
<3- Sarah
P.S. and BTW-
Be sure to enter my 1year celebration GIVEAWAY.  You could win a $10 Target gift card!  And to my new followers...WELCOME IN!!!

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